Making a nicer disassembler

I’ve had a rudimentary disassembler in the emuriscv emulator, but compared to other disassemblers out there it was not very refined. Debugging and fixing the emulator required me to read a lot of disassembled code, which I generated with GNU objdump, but the problem was that my tool printed out a slightly different output format compared to objdump. Having two separate disassembly listing formats to keep in my head was confusing enough, so I set out to achieve a comparable output to the reference tool.

Also, I kind of like the idea of doing web development in C.

After extracting the disassembly code from the emulator into a separate C project and implementing the improvements discussed below, I’ve also also converted it into a web tool, which you can try out below, as it’s embedded into this blog post:

RISC-V RV32IMA Disassembler

Sample files:

ℹ️ You can download the sample binaries from the list just above this text and try it out!

The “making of” the tool

The initial version was quite utilitarian, formatting all registers as x0..x31 and operands as 8-digit hexadecimal number. I was quite happy with the output of GNU objdump, which included a couple of quality-of-life improvements:

  • register renaming (e.g. x2 to sp)
  • CSR register naming (e.g. 0x340 to mscratch)
  • pseudo-ops (e.g. jal x0, 0x200 to j 0x200)

Let’s start by comparing the output of the initial and improved version of a disassembly of the same binary - the first 48 bytes of the BBL boot loader, starting from the reset vector, showing the code of the trap vector starting at 0x4.

Initial version

       0:       2000006F        jal x0,0x00000200
       4:       34011173        csrrw x2,x2,0x00000340
       8:       1A010C63        beq x2,x0,0x000001b8
       C:       02A12423        sw x10,40(x2)
      10:       02B12623        sw x11,44(x2)
      14:       342025F3        csrrs x11,x0,0x00000342
      18:       0805D263        bge x11,x0,0x00000084
      1C:       00159593        slli x11,x11,0x00000001
      20:       00E00513        addi x10,x0,0x0000000e
      24:       02B51263        bne x10,x11,0x00000024
      28:       08000513        addi x10,x0,0x00000080
      2C:       30453073        csrrc x0,x10,0x00000304

Current version

       0:	2000006f		j	0x200
       4:	34011173		csrrw	sp,mscratch,sp
       8:	1a010c63		beqz	sp,0x1c0
       c:	02a12423		sw	a0,40(sp)
      10:	02b12623		sw	a1,44(sp)
      14:	342025f3		csrr	a1,mcause
      18:	0805d263		bgez	a1,0x9c
      1c:	00159593		slli	a1,a1,0x1
      20:	00e00513		li	a0,14
      24:	02b51263		bne	a0,a1,0x48
      28:	08000513		li	a0,128
      2c:	30453073		csrc	mie,a0

Decoding the instructions

Here’s how an instruction gets decoded and printed out, along with an example of a pseudo-op decoding:

void jal(State* state, word* instruction) {
	sword offset = get_j_imm(*instruction);
	int rd = GET_RD(*instruction);
	if(rd == 0)
		PRINT_DEBUG("j\t0x%X\n", offset+state->pc);
		PRINT_DEBUG("jal\t%s,0x%X\n", register_name[rd], offset+state->pc);

The jal stands for jump and link register, and by linking it’s supposed to stores the address of the instruction following the jump (pc+4) into the rd register in case we’d want to return back sometime after the jump.

However, if rd points to the zero register, it’s a straightforward jump, so jumps that don’t need to return back can also be specified as j 0x200 in RISC-V assembly.

The PRINT_DEBUG macro is an alias for printf.

But how do we decode 0x2000006f to the jal opcode?

The tooling can generate C headers with a set of definitions for each opcode:

#define MATCH_JAL 0x6f
#define MASK_JAL  0x7f

and using that I have a big if statement that does the matching:

else if ((*instruction & MATCH_JAL) == MASK_JAL) { jal(state, instruction);	}

Register renaming

Implementing the register renaming was straightforward, as it’s just a matter of using an array with the mnemonic names instead of the old "x%d" format string.

const char* register_name[] = {
  "zero", "ra", "sp", "gp", "tp", "t0", "t1", 
  ... };
  //which could also be
  //"x0", "x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5", "x6",

then looking the name up as: register_name[GET_RD(*instruction)]. GET_RD is just a macro that’s used to get the destination register. Because of the RISC-V instruction formats overlap, the source and destination registers always get encoded in the same place, making a disassembler’s job easier.

#define GET_RD(x) ((x >> 7) & 0x1F)

In retrospect, I wish I had used inline functions instead of the macros as the former can also be used in a debugger.

CSR register renaming

A similar logic applies to CSR (control and status) registers. However, instead of using a large array and indexing it by the CSR register number, I generate a function that returns the CSR name. I’ve copied this bit of idiomatic C code from the SPIKE RISC-V simulator as otherwise I would have probably generated the code in Python :).

By redefining what does the macro does before including the header file we can generate various different handlers.

// csr_names.h

const char* csr_name(int csr) {
  switch (csr) {
    #define DECLARE_CSR(name, number)  case number: return #name;
    #include "csr_names.h"
    #undef DECLARE_CSR
  return "unknown-csr";

Web version

These days it’s relatively straightforward to reuse a native code in C on the web by compiling it into WebAssembly and embedding on a web page. To do that, I used the emscripten toolchain.

I compiled it with the following options in order to get embedded into this blog post without loading additional javascript or wasm resources:

emcc ../*.c -O3 -o auto_em.js --pre-js=pre.js --memory-init-file 0 -s "EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=['_disassemble_file']" -s "EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=['ccall']" -s FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1 -s WASM=0;

In a typical setting, I’d omit the --memory-init-file 0 -s WASM=0 flags to get a separate .wasm file.

The binary file selected by the user comes from a regular <input type="file">, which gets written into the emscripten’s virtual file system, and then we invoke the disassembly function with the name of the (new) file as an argument.

What’s still missing

Floating point and compressed instruction support. First, I’m not entirely on board with the variable-length instruction set idea, as it lead to practically a new ISA (ARM vs ARM Thumb). The “C” extension on the RISC-V side is not that different from the regular 32-bit instructions, but the it does introduce 8 new instruction formats and a different scaling of immediate values (for load and store instructions).

The “F” extension for single-point precision floating point adds 32 more registers, a new fscr status register, various rounding modes and flags. This, along with the compressed instruction extension seemed unnecessary to implement in both the emulator and disassembler, as I can compile my own code.

Reading ELF formatted binaries headers would also be nice, with the ability of extracting just the code section. However, one can still strip binaries with objcopy -b binary and disassemble flat binaries.

And finally, 64-bit support as the 64-bit toolchain seems to be more widespread.