Adding a first-person mode to GTA III
Adding a first-person mode to GTA III A couple of years ago the re3 (reverse-engineered GTA 3) project received some publicity as got published on GitHub (and since taken down by Take Two). I played a …Sudoku development diaries - part 2
After developing the basic parts of a Sudoku game in text mode, I was looking for UI toolkit to make it playable with a mouse. After checking various options for a while I ended up using Dear ImGui . …Rolling your own on-screen keyboard
Rolling your own on-screen keyboard I wanted to play the Robotics;Notes visual novel on my Windows touchscreen tablet, but unfortunately the game only supports keyboard controls. While connecting a …Sudoku development diaries - part 1
I’ve been playing Sudoku on my phone for the past few weeks, learning new techniques and generally having fun. I thought it would be interesting to apply the playing skills in implementing a Sudoku …4-in-1 game for the taskbar
A collection of minigames under 4 KB As a kid, I had a cheap 8 in 1 Brick Game handheld console, which had LCD display with large dots, 4 directional buttons and a speaker. Along with a couple of …DOOM on a watch
Does it run DOOM? I was trying to find a good use case for my LILIGO TTGO T-Watch . It’s a programmable smart watch featuring the amazing ESP32 chip and a 240x240 color LCD screen. I keep hearing …Implementing Solitaire in C
Solitaire was the first computer game I have played, ages ago, on an ancient Windows 3.1 laptop. I have never actually implemented it. When I say Solitaire, I actually mean the Klondike variant, which …